Crime Victim Support

Nevada 2-1-1 programs that provide legal counseling and/or representation for individuals involved in abuse or violence.

You Might Also Be Interested In These Nevada 2-1-1 Services:

Domestic Violence Shelters

Nevada 2-1-1 programs that provide temporary housing for individuals dealing with physical or sexual violence by a domestic partner

Crisis Hotlines

Nevada 2-1-1 crisis hotlines that offer 24 hour phone support for individuals dealing with emotional and psychological trauma

Mental Health Counseling for Children & Adolescents

Nevada 2-1-1 programs that provide mental health treatment for children and adolescents

Mental Health Services

Programs that provide mental health resources, including counseling, crisis hotlines, medication support, testing, adolescent services.

Utility Assistance

Programs that offer financial assistance for gas, electric, and other household utilities.

Food Pantries

Programs that distribute food to people who are in emergency situations.